Hiroshima gave us a Message, but are we listening?

At 08:16 on 6 August, 1945 around 70,000 humans died instantly when the world's first atomic bomb used in war exploded. As many died in
the same city in the following weeks and months, and an unknown number in years later, plus others whose lives were blighted and shortened.

Apart from the hideous loss of life, what is appalling is that ALMOST NONE OF THE VICTIMS HAD ANY RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOVER FOR THEIR FATE, any more than the ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Japanese who died in the fire-bombing of Tokyo or indeed the THREE MILLION JAPANESE who died in the war, mostly civilians. Nor indeed the hundreds of thousands of Americans and other nationalities who died. WHY did they die? Because a fascist regime which was UNACCOUNTABLE to the masses launched a war.

ALMOST NO JAPANESE CITIZENS consented to the war. THEY WERE NOT ASKED, any more than Germans were given a choice in World War II.

THIS IS THE WORLD'S PROBLEM: ruling elites in non-democracies.

THIS is why the world HAS to rid itself of dictatorships. and give "power to the people". Switzerland has it right: the people can VOTE on individual issues. If this were possible in ALL countries there would almost certainly BE no wars. Half the world are women; are THEY going to send their sons to die unless their lives are directly threatened? NO: ONLY FASCIST dictators do that, or elected representatives of democracies who feel they have no choice when FIGHTING dictatorships, as in Iraq and elsewhere.

"Elected representatives"? THIS IS NOT ENOUGH. Such people often get elected and then DO WHAT THEY WANT, claiming a mandate from the people to "use their judgement". NO: THE PEOPLE COLLECTIVELY KNOW BEST, even if they, too, can sometimes be collectively stupid - usually because indoctrinated and misinformed by the Establishment - as of course over BREXIT.

This is why the British "First Past The Post" voting system is outdated. MILLIONS are never represented in parliament. MILLIONS can never vote for their preferred party for fear of letting in some lunatic like Corbyn. The SAME parties are elected decade after decade. And ONCE ELECTED they often carry out their own, unmandated agenda, as did Blair with mass immigration and also Iraq.

The victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (not forgetting all the rest) WERE NOT RESPONSIBLE. THIS WAS NOT JUSTICE. IT MUST NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.

The essentials of life are FOOD, SHELTER, PROTECTION FROM ENEMIES and then comes JUSTICE. This site is in part a plea for true democracy everywhere.