What about Season 4?
Is ANY story EVER really ended until everyone is dead? Even in "Gone With The Wind", we learn that:

"Tomorrow is another day."

Realistically, it HAD to end sometime, and for me there was closure in almost everything:

The childrens' childhood had come to an end and most were off to college.
The racism, homophobia and misogyny in Avonlea were waning.
The dreadful Mr Phillips is gone and Miss Stacey had revolutionised the teaching approach for the better.

Bash and his black-sheep brother had reconciled. He was gaining acceptance in the community and making a go of the farm and the Barrys were buying his farm produce as a partner. He and Miss Stacey even seem likely to develop their friendship into something more, but we'll never know.
Cole was safe, happy and fulfilled and developing his career as an artist.
Anne had learned about her parents.
Anne and Gilbert had finally declared their love, and both were going off to college.

For Ka'Kwat of course, there could be no immediate happy-ending, though she is also approaching 16 and will presumably soon regain her freedom even if the terrible treatment of the indigenous people was to continue for many decades more.

The more I think about this the more I feel it would be impossible to match the incredible last episode, and it would be horrible if future episodes were to be an anti-climax.

AND, a future series would mean our witnessing the passing of Matthew and Marilla, who are so absolutely central to the whole saga. I almost feel as if I don't want to know what happened afterwards. It's a bit like a fairy-story where the Prince marries the Princess and they live happily ever after - but you never find out HOW!

If you REALLY want to see more in the life of Anne, then watch the 1985 series, which takes her story a good many years further, including to a job as schoolmistress, as an author and what she and Gilbert did in The Great War. It's not Anne McNulty, but Meghan Follows is also very good.

SEE HERE: The PETITION asking for MORE!! (n.b. The makers of AWANE KNOW the strength of feeling about this. Bringing up the petition yet again is not going to achieve anything .......)

WHY "Anne With An e" ended.


Casey Brinegar: “The show didn’t ‘have to end.’ It wasn’t the producers’ decision or desire to end the series. It was cancelled abruptly weeks before the premier of season 3, ‘because it didn’t perform well with the target audience of 25-54 year-olds,’ according to Netflix.

This wasn’t ‘LOST’ or ‘Game of Thrones’, where the producers chose to end the series when they did and people were upset with the writers’ creative decisions. The show was ended for corporate reasons, not creative reasons; because of corporate profit margins or lack thereof. It’s a little ridiculous, in my opinion, to try to defend that as if it was some sort of creative choice.

I don’t follow the minutia of gripes, but I haven’t seen anyone call for a “happy ending” per se. People just want an ending in general, not a handful of loose threads or cliffhangers.

n.b.“Series creator Moira Walley-Beckett revealed that they'd ‘fought’ hard to continue Anne's story — for a new home and a conclusive movie. And producer Miranda de Pencier concurred that there was ‘no way’ to revive 'Anne With An E' and asked fans to hold onto the joy the show brought them when it was released.”

Chris Snuggs: “What ending would you like to see, Casey? There is always tomorrow. ‘After all, tomorrow is another day.’ It could be never-ending ......

Casey Brinegar: “I’m not going to make conjectures about what I’d like to see beyond saying that I would have accepted whatever the show-runners would have written as their own ‘proper ending.’ I love a ton of wonderful shows that end on ‘intentional’ cliffhangers, as written by the creators of the property. And though I don’t believe Moira Walley-Beckett would have wanted ‘her heart’”, as she has described this series, to end on a cliffhanger, it would have been infinitely better than Netflix deciding to cut the series short for corporate reasons.

In short, you’re coming to in-universe terms with the abrupt ending of a great series, and I can appreciate that to an extent. But to write a screed about others who would want the writers to have the opportunity to tell the story as they would have seen fit is strangely frustrating to me."

Chris Snuggs: "Two questions:
1) Do we KNOW for sure that Moira wanted to continue the show?

2) Did she write the last episode before or after she KNEW it would be the last?"

Casey Brinegar: “Everything I have found from interviews and after the show was cancelled indicates she didn’t know the show was going to end while writing any of the season finales. To me, this is pretty obvious given each season ends with at least some hints of a cliffhanger or with loose ends. There’s no way she could have known season 3 would have been the last as it was cancelled mere weeks before its premier on Netflix."

Moira also said: “I will miss this show forever and a day. That being said, I’d love to write an AWAE finale feature film …” (https://ew.com/tv/2019/11/25/anne-with-an-e-canceled-moira-walley-beckett-fan-support-possible-finale-feature-film/?fbclid=IwAR3woEuE9eJJHML3X9qvj0hcmCtUlQ5kRlyYcEpaQmSwexAS-ynCclKa250)