
Based on experience of recent years. Any other suggestions welcome.

- Labour mastery of economics
- Labour manifesto honesty
- Labour achievements
- Labour immigration control
- Labour debt control
- Labour borrowing limits
- Labour credibility
- Ed Milliband’s Prime Ministerial qualities
- socialist spending controls
- Lib-Dem brotherly love
- Lib-Dem popularity
- Coalition harmony
- Vince Cable's loyalty
- Cleggonian realism
- Tory leadership
- Tory leadership communication skills
- Tory-grandee in-touch factor
- Cameron’s popularity with clowns
- Cameron’s long-term Premiership prospects
- EU humility
- EU value-for-money
- EU budget-trimming
- BBC objectivity
- BBC salary and perks control
- BBC identification of perverts
- postal voting validity
- multi-cultural brotherhood
- Islamic multi-faith integration skills
- government openness
- government planning
- government financial control
- government success
- NHS efficiency
- local council thrift
- affordable housing
- money-printing solution
- Cuban economic success
- Cuban unhappiness (apparently)

OH!! - nearly forgot!!!

Lib-Dem relevance