Beautiful "Heartland" Moments                                     RETURN
Lou speaks at the service for Marion in the little cemetary on the hill - very moving. It reminds me of the
little cemetaries in Westerns, also often on hills: a beautiful setting, silent, peaceful and overlooking the town.
Amy first gets Spartan to "join up". It's a healing process for the damaged horse
but also Amy's first realisation that she really might have "the gift" as her mother had told her.

Amy's reaction when she sees the jumping circuit that Ty has built with some help from Mallory.
I sense that this is the first time that she starts to feel that she might love Ty.

Amy's reaction when she realizes that Marion's horse, the sad and sickly Pegasus, is
responding to the smell of Marion's coat worn by her friend Marnie as she enters the barn.

Amy watches Ty leave to work at Briar Ridge, driven away by Lisa's irritating nephew Ben .....
Lou realizes in horror that - Scott being away - she WILL have to play midwife to the
foaling mare that Amy has brought to Hearland. Fortunately, Mrs Bell is available to stand in!

Lou drooling over show-jumper pin-up Nick Harwell, who has brought his horse to Heartland.
At the first Heartland Open Day the odious Val Stanton challenges Amy to fix one of her horses that won't jump. This
Amy does successfully in front of a crowd of people: her first undoubted, massive success and proof that she has "the gift".

the first embrace

Ty comforts Amy outside Ryan Bailey's house, but she tells him she doesn't
want things to change between them.

Ryan Bailey is finally cleared of responsibility for the fire that
traumatised both himself and the valuable racehorse, Gallant Prince.

Ty is taking Amy to her high-school "semi-formal" - their first real "date".
Here she emerges all dressed up from her bedroom to wow Jack, Lou and Ty ....

The first time Tim hugs both his daughters since his return to their lives. He's consoling them about
the injury to Jack when he fell and banged his head while saving the horses after Wes set the barn on fire.